Copywriting for Freelance Journalists

"This course should be called how to get paid what you're worth and not be treated like sh*t" (Delegate quote)


Wondering about adding copywriting as an income stream? In this course, you'll discover:

• How to transfer your journalism skills to copywriting
• Marketing basics to help promote your clients and yourself
• What you need to know about copywriting for websites
• How to find copywriting clients and decide what to charge
• And more

The course comprises over 60 bitesize lessons that you can work through at your own pace. We estimate it will take about four hours to complete, and you'll come away knowing how to run a successful freelance copywriting business.

To get a flavour of this course (and meet your trainer), scroll down to the free 'Introduction' preview.

If you'd prefer to attend Jackie's full-day course on Zoom, on-site in London or in-house, you'll cover all the same content as part of a group. You'll also get personalised feedback about your answers to the writing exercises, the chance to have your questions answered, and a month of email support. For more information about the live version of the course, go here.

What you'll learn

Jackie Barrie

Jackie has worked as a copywriter for nearly 40 years (eek!), both in-house and freelance.

A trained journalist, she has run online and offline copywriting courses for clients ranging from corporates and marketing teams to small businesses and aspiring copywriters.

Jackie has also published books on marketing, networking, writing for the web, and icebreakers & energisers for speakers and trainers.

Sandra Davey

"Banging course and brilliant presenter – very engaging. I really like the course because it gives practical examples and workthroughs, so you feel you've got your money’s worth. Very rare you get the trainer showing how they would have done it, which, in my view, is where the value really lies."

Stephanie Boxall

"As a journalist I was a bit hesitant about copywriting, so I’d been putting off doing the course for ages. I thought it would be all about SEO, but it’s much wider than that. It's about being simple and clear and engaging the reader. It is different from journalism, but there’s a big overlap. I’m so glad I did the course - there was a lot of really good content and it’s good value for money. I wish I’d done it ages ago. Jackie is great - a really relatable, engaging speaker. Her advice is sensible, down-to-earth and helpful. And she uses clear examples to illustrate each point."

Amanda Geary Pate

"Jackie Barrie's knowledge about copywriting goes way beyond her 'writing without waffle' tagline - she trains without waffle too!

Her 'Copywriting for Freelance Journalists' course is comprehensive and packed with practical advice, and she delivers it with great enthusiasm - all under-pinned by her expertise and extensive experience.

I found it easy to follow the course and its multimedia materials at my own pace - the curriculum materials were even supported by an opportunity for a small group Q and A session where myself and fellow learners were able to learn even more from Jackie, as relevant to our context.

I can highly recommend this course. It's a great way to upskill and progress your career by building on your Journalism experience. It will give any Journalist a great start when it comes to pivoting into copywriting!"

Sarah Tooze

"Jackie is an excellent trainer - she breaks everything down into bite-size chunks and clearly explains marketing and copywriting jargon as well as sharing her tips from her many years’ experience. I have already recommended her course to a number of other journalists and will continue to do so."

Your investment

Copywriting for Freelance Journalists


  • Over 60 bitesize lessons to study at your own pace

Buy Now